Booked, Busy, and UNbothered

“No one is ever busy. It just depends on what number you are on their priority list.” -LifeHack

There is a certain level of comfort when you are truly unbothered.  To be unbothered is “Showing or feeling a lack of concern about or interest in something.”  That means that if you’re truly unbothered you don’t actually have to post about it.  You don’t even have to acknowledge it.  It’s a truly genuine state of being.  It’s okay to be bothered by things, but discovering how to sincerely be unbothered comes from being so involved in what matters, that you don’t have time to be affected by things that don’t matter.  As you may know by now I’m a formulas and numbers kind of person so, I came up with three simple ways to stay booked, busy and truly unbothered.

You need to keep that calendar full.  Everything that is scheduled and planned will come to fruition.  We do not often schedule procrastination or scrolling through instagram or posting on snapchat.  However, these are the main avenues that bring our awareness to things that do not matter like, who’s dating who or the weekend drama.  I am someone who schedules every waking moment because I know that if I don’t, I’ll spend three hours on instagram or talking on the phone.  I even schedule in free time.  It’s important to be realistic.  I am just as addicted to social media as the next person, but I consciously curb that craving because too much of a good thing can quickly become a detriment.  Planning your next move gives you the upper hand to move forward in the career or state you are currently in without feeling overwhelmed or ill-equipped.

Me, Myself, and I
Focus on yourself.  It is such a simple phrase, but it is quite often misused.  Focusing on yourself is not only necessary when you’re going through a breakup or when you have an exam to study for.  This is a conscious daily effort to continuously make yourself better.  Start a 30 day squat challenge if you feel sluggish; challenge yourself to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day if you feel like your skin has been breaking out; Set a reminder on your phone to say a prayer every morning to start your day off right.  Focusing on yourself is a daily battle because other things can constantly take your focus away, but show yourself some compassion and get refocused on yourself again and your betterment.  A quick insider is that it takes about 3-4 weeks to make something a habit.  21 day challenges are extremely helpful when it comes to starting new habits and breaking old ones.

Battling temptation is one of the most challenging things to do.  It seems as though there are always distractions and it provokes us to swiftly talk ourselves out of doing something that is good for us.  But, nobody is perfect.  We all make mistakes, but we have to cut ourselves some slack for trying to be better in the first place!  At the end of the day we have a God given talent called Free Will.  Although it may feel restricted at times; we control our expressions, our minds, and our reactions at best.  The only person that can tell you that you can’t do something is you.  So, if temptation ever comes around and you stumble; make sure you pick yourself back up and get right back on track.  Give yourself what you want in moderation, or through rewards, with the intention that you don’t need to give into the temptation in the first place.  We are all human, and we are all capable of bettering ourselves.  Then, once you get to that balance, there’s no way you would ever want to turn back.

Ultimately, the key to being booked, busy, and unbothered is intention.  Intentionally think about every day before it happens.  This provokes you to plan ahead, bringing ease into every day.  Be intentional about what you occupy your time and your mind with.  If you are constantly looking for distractions and trouble then that is exactly what is going to engulf you.  And lastly, don’t give into temptation, but if you should, don’t let that deter you.  Shake yourself off and try again, you’ve got this!

“Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance, you must keep going.” - Albert Einstein


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