Be Grateful In All That You Do

"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold"- Bob Marley

Happy New Year! It’s so exciting to be starting a New Year and having the chance to reflect on the previous one. A lot of people have been saying that 2017 was a plethora of ups and downs. It’s hard to say if it was a good year or a bad year because of all of the horrible things that happened on a large scale. This year was full of scary moments, fears and general doubt. But in all of those moments we found warriors, inspiration, even growth. So I agree that 2017 was hard to place, on a large scale and a small scale. But through it all, I am still incredibly grateful! Gratitude can be a tricky feeling. It’s hard I maintain and requires you to look at things in a very optimistic way. But gratitude is essential, and starting to be more grateful can be the  catapult you need into a happier life.

Gratitude starts from within but showing it outwardly and abundantly can be a great way to change your day-to-day interactions. Gratitude can be as simple as saying “Thank you”. Saying thank you to the taxi driver, or the store cashier, or your parents. Saying thank you, out loud, reassured not only you, but the person you’re speaking to that they’re appreciated and important. Now, not everyone is going to appreciate it or even acknowledge it, but you’re not saying it to receive gratitude. You’re saying it because you are grateful.

One of the most important times to be grateful is during the tough times in our lives. The times where everything is against you and your back is against the wall, give thanks. If you can be grateful for something when you feel like you have nothing, it changes your whole perspective. There was a time last year when I was not eating and temporary living at a friend’s place because I couldn’t afford a place of my own anymore. I could not afford to eat everyday and I could not find a job. I was so terrified because this had never happened to me before. Not having food to eat? That can really break you down. You stop worrying about keeping up an image. You stop worrying about how others perceive you. It puts you in a place of desperation. If I eat today, what am I going to eat tomorrow? I was in such a low place. So I started praying more. I felt so distant from God and it was kind of awkward to start at first, but I started thanking him for a place to stay. Thanking him when I had something to eat. Thanking him for waking me up in the morning to live another day. Thanking him for water! Thanking him for privacy, that my business wasn’t out in the streets, and people didn’t pity me. It really enhanced my life! My perspective went from feeling bad for myself, to being grateful because it could have been worse. That translated into trying harder to find a job and make something of myself even though my surrounds said there was no way. We worry so much about what we don’t have or what someone might think if they realize we’re struggling. But we need to focus on being grateful for food and water and life, the simple things we take for granted. It really changes how you view yourself and the world. If you’re grateful for having two legs to walk on everyday, imagine how it would feel to run a marathon. That’s the mindset we need to have!
This year is becoming a new beginning for me. I am so grateful for the position I’m in today. I got A’s in my classes, I started a blog to bring a positive message into the world, I’m employed, I’m with my family all the time, and I just feel good! On top of that I’m awarded the breath of life everyday, in order to make all of these things happen. I get another day, and these last few years were constant reminders that everyone doesn’t. So be grateful for who and where you are. Say thank you, always. And don’t look for anything in return. You’ll be amazed at how much your life WILL change.

“No such thing as a life that’s better than yours” Love Yours by J. Cole



  1. It's the little things that are usually overlooked. This was a good read!

    1. Hi Dexter! Thank you so much for your comment!


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