Fasting and Fitness

“Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of the Christian disciplines.  Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life”

Fasting is universally referred to as making a sacrifice by giving something up, as a form of prayer.  Many people fast for spiritual purposes, and it is more common in some countries than in others.  I was raised Catholic by Nigerian parents, so I am no stranger to fasting.  I started with Easter in high school, and now I fast for my own spiritual growth.  Last year it felt like I was always fasting.  My biggest fasts lately were over the Summer (2017) I did a 30 day fast, in the Fall (2017) I did a 20 day fast, and I am currently fasting right now.  Fasting was what helped me recenter myself and re-establish the discipline I needed to get my life back on track.  But, part of my discipline was losing weight.  I had to find a way to incorporate fasting in a healthy way in order to achieve some of the goals I was fasting and praying for.

How I fast
When I fast it is often with my own predetermined parameters.  To me, fasting is personal and spiritual.  It is not a quick way to lose weight.  However, when I fast for personal growth I have to adjust in order to stay healthy.  My parameters are often a predetermined time period like 7am-7pm; I allow myself water and one cup of tea with no additives during this time but absolutely no food until I break my fast at 7pm or whatever time I decided.  Along with this, on the days I fast, I do not drink alcohol and try to refrain from parties or nightly social events.  

How fasting can affect fitness
When fasting, your body is running on far less nutrients and fuel than it is used to.  Even if you might have bad eating habits, your body is still receiving something that keeps it going everyday.  The first day of fasting is often the hardest as your body is fighting to tell you to feed it.  These are the days when I usually pray the most, in order to get through the day.  Trying to go to the gym during this time can be scary.  You may pass out, you may get too fatigued, your body might even react in a way you’re not used to.

How I stay fit and healthy while fasting
I am currently fasting while starting back up at the gym, and have some tips to help prevent any health scares while fasting and working out.
NEVER start a workout plan on the first day of your fast
Not only does this take the focus away from the purpose of your fast, but can be very dangerous.  On day one, your body is just getting used to the fast so, jumping right into a workout could cause a bad reaction such as fainting or worse.
Drink all of your tea before going to the gym
Drinking tea prior to going to the gym can help give your body some vitamins that it’s craving.  Although it is not much, this can have a lasting effect on your workout, if you choose to drink tea during your fast
Eat a hearty and healthy meal
I try not to overindulge during a fast because it defeats the purpose of sacrificing in my eyes.  However, the one meal that I do eat is balanced,  I have my carbs, with my proteins, and my vegetables; and lately I have been drinking a protein shake with dinner to make sure I have all of the energy I need for the next day’s workout
Take your vitamins
After breaking my fast with a meal I finish with my vitamin tablets.  It’s essential to take your daily vitamins to supplement the lack of food intake
Don’t push yourself too hard
Pushing yourself normally is a great idea, it helps you reach potential that you may not have reached previously.  However, pushing yourself while fasting may be pushing yourself too far.  You already are pushing yourself by working out while fasting, so be sure to pay attention to your body and what it needs
Drink a lot of water!
Always drink plenty of water! Not everyone drinks water while fasting and that is okay, but make sure when you are allowed water in your fast, that you drink a lot of it!

These tips are based off of how I fast and what has worked for me in the past, I am not an expert on fasting.  I only know it in its most basic form and that is a sacrifice for prayer.  I always fast for something, and I always achieve what I am fasting for.  Hopefully this helped give you some insight on what may work for you should you choose to take this amazing spiritual journey!

“The purpose of fasting is to loosen to some degree the ties which bind us to the world of material things and our surroundings as a whole; in order that we may concentrate all our spiritual powers upon the unseen and eternal things.” -Ole Hallesby



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